This imprint was last updated on 27th February 2024.
The owner of this website is:
TSK Laboratory Europe B.V. B.V.
Gemullehoekenweg 42, 5062CD, Oisterwijk, the Netherlands
Phone number: +31857607630
VAT ID: NL821876260B01
The legal representative(s) of TSK Laboratory Europe B.V. B.V.:
Doris de Beer
1. General
1.1 We are registered at Kamer van Koophandel under the license or registration number:
1.2 The name of our supervisory authority is:
CE Approval
We are willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
2. The following information is mandatory according to German law.
2.1 Unsere Berufshaftpflichtversicherung lautet:
TSK Laboratory Europe B.V. Gemullehoekenweg 42, 5062CD, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands (scope Europe)